Do you know how exciting wedding atmosphere is?

Each one of us knows how a wedding happens and how a planning happens from start till the end of weddings. But have you experienced the feel of a wedding atmosphere? It is more exciting than anyone can imagine, more than a big occasion it is an exciting occasion. Every minute will be surprising and unpredictable. Dive in to know the excitement of the wedding atmosphere.

Engagement Ceremony:

To begin with the engagement ceremony, planning for the new event with your family will be exciting, as you will be meeting the extended family members, running between stores for shopping, grooming yourselves, meeting your relatives, cousins. The engagement will be more of an introductory event and after that will be the big event.

Pre Wedding:

Next up getting ready for the big day, sitting with the whole family for planning for venues, wedding photographer, dresses, makeup, invitations. The whole planning session will be filled with laughter, happiness for a full day. You cannot find another time like this to have a perfect family quality time together.

Wedding shopping can take hours but you will not get tired as you will be more excited as you are shopping for a big day that is going to happen in your family. Trying, rejecting, deciding the best clothing for you. Running between floors to help others select their clothing. You will be overwhelmed by new clothing added to your collections. You get to go shopping with your dear ones and it will be a really wonderful time.

House will be filled with friends, relatives, there will be dance, music, late night talks. These will always be a good memory in your life. A wedding is not only special for the couples but for the whole family.

Wedding :

Time for the big day, arriving early to the venue along with your family and getting ready for inviting the guests, extended family members, friends. Transporting things from home to venue, running back to bring things from home. Spending quality time with friends, conversing with strangers, building new friendships. Colourful traditions, rituals all these make the wedding moments even more special.

You will never know who will call you or what work you’ll get. You will be on the run for the full day. Friends, cousins, relatives, will join you in working as their own family weddings, and most people who work with you will be mostly strangers to you. You can witness all emotions and happiness on a single day under the same roof, that is the best thing about weddings.


Now, It’s time for photographs, posing for photographs, more and more new shots of yourself. Wedding photographers running around the entire venue, capturing beautiful moments, every detail without missing. Wedding photographers add more enjoyment to the event as they not only photograph the couple, but the whole family. They help you with the posing and click the best memories for you.


More than words, you can experience the beauty and excitement of weddings in reality. So try not to miss a wedding in your family and don’t forget to enjoy it. It is a special feeling.

By the way, as said wedding photographers are important, you also deserve the best for your weddings. Contact Arun Prasad Photography our team has specialized in capturing emotions without missing details.

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